Chapters Online

Chapters are encouraged to maintain websites and social media accounts.

This section of the handbook describes the minimum standards for chapter websites and social media and makes recommendations for best practices.


No chapter is required to maintain a website.  If it does, it should be neat in appearance and forward the mission of the Florida Native Plant Society.

As a service to its chapters, FNPS maintains a simple content management system that can be used by any chapter at no cost.  If the chapter uses this content management system (GetSimple), it will be given to the chapter with the requirements below already met.


A chapter website must have an FNPS logo where it will make it clear that the chapter is part of FNPS.  The logo must meet FNPS branding standards approved by the FNPS Board of Directors and found under "identity standards" in this handbook.  The logo needs to be obvious, but does not need to be large.  Suitable locations include but are not limited to the header, the footer, or a sidebar.  The logo is not to be altered, redrawn, recolored or warped.

A chapter website must have an obvious link, either a button or text link in a sidebar or header, to  This link is maintained as a stable link by and may be automatically rerouted to alternative URLs.

A chapter website must have the FNPS calendar for the chapter in it and may at the chapter's wish also have a copy of the master FNPS calendar.   The calendar(s) by FNPS BOD vote, should use the TeamUp Calendar provided by FNPS.  This chapter information (meetings and other events) should be kept current on this calendar.  FNPS adds events of interest to all members (such as the annual FNPS conference) to this calendar automatically.  While not in the standard approved by the FNPS BOD, 2 chapters have been grandfathered in to use alternative calendars that are automatically read into the FNPS TeamUp calendar so that those events are updated into the TeamUp calendar daily.

If a chapter asks for tax-deductable donations as a 501(3)(c) charity, the following words must be in place

The chapter name or Florida Native Plant Society if in the GEL is registered as a charitable organization in Florida (Reg No. CH3021).

on every page where donations are sought. And the chapter must be prepared to provide annual documentation to the donors that their donations are tax deducctable.  Note, there are ways to get donations where there is an intermediary and the donation does not come from the individual donor but rather from the intermediary -- that intermediary the inherits any tax reporting requirements.

A chapter website must have appropriate contact information.  This can be on a contact page or in a sidebar or footer.  While putting this information into the body of the home page meets this requirement, this is generally not recommended.

Do not post materials inconsistent with the mission of FNPS or its classification as a 501(3)(c) charity.  So, keep out of politics.  Do not endorse candidates.  You can support relevant causes and legislation that will forward the mission.

All information and images posted must follow US Copyright law.  That is, no wholesale copying from other websites, books, etc. without owner permission.  This includes images.  Short quotes, with attribution are fine.  


Include aspects of the FNPS mission and the chapter's major activities on the home page.  This is to assist the various search engines in finding the site.

Have a page dedicated to chapter contacts.

Include the FNPS license plate and a link to the FNPS website page ,, where the voucher can be purchased.  If successful, this will provide a long-term funding source or FNPS and help support the programs of FNPS including your chapter programs.

Be careful of recommending resources that may not be fully consistent with the FNPS mission.  There are many resources online, but many forward agendas that are not fully consistent with FNPS (for instance, some recommend using species that are non-native or even invasive).  Review before your recommend.

Periodically post FNPS license plate and a link to the FNPS website page ,, where the voucher can be purchased.  If successful, this will provide a long-term funding source or FNPS and help support the programs of FNPS including your chapter programs.

Social Media

Chapters are encouraged but not required to maintain social media sites such as but not restricted to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Some chapters maintain a blog, Utube, and/or Flickr.


All chapter social media sites are encouraged to have a FNPS logo where it will make it clear that the chapter is part of FNPS -- usually in a header of sidebar.  If there is a chapter logo, that is also encourage..  The logo must meet FNPS branding standards approved by the FNPS Board of Directors and found at ."identity standards" in this handbook.  T

All chapter social media sites should have a button or text link in a sidebar to  This link is maintained as a stable link by and may be automatically rerouted to alternative URLs. This is one of the best ways available to increase chapter membership.

Keep all content up-to-date and consistent with the FNPS mission.


Copyright © 2025-02-15 Florida Native Plant Society