The Council Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary collectively comprise the Council Officers. Officers must be current or past Chapter Representatives, Chapter Officers, or FNPS members in good standing.
Council Chair
Represents the Council on the FNPS Board of Directors and FNPS Board Executive Committee and attends monthly meetings or assigns a proxy.
Prepares and submits Council reports to the FNPS Board of Directors and FNPS Executive Committee.
Reports Society and FNPS Board news to Council members.
Sets the Council meeting schedule and agenda and leads Council meetings. The Council will meet no fewer than 4 times per year and no more than 10 times per year.
Develops Council strategies and goals and assigns Council or other resources to further the Council goals.
Ensures compliance with Board bylaws.
Trains his/her successor.
Council Vice Chair
Assists the Council Chair and collaborates on Council strategies and goals
Acts on behalf of the Council Chair in his/her absence.
Maintains a current list of Chapter Representatives
Heads the Orientation and Training subcommittee
Sends Welcome letter and helps new Chapter Representatives obtain login information
Schedules and organizes Chapter Representative orientation and training.
Trains his/her successor
Council Secretary
Assists the Council Chair and Vice Chair as requested.
Emails meeting instructions and agendas prior to all full Council meetings and posts meeting announcements as directed.
Records minutes (including all motions and votes) of all full Council meetings, emails minutes to all Council members and posts the minutes on the Council website and Forum,
Updates attendance spreadsheet on Google Drive and reports volunteer hours for Council meetings.
Makes or requests updates and revisions to the Council website.
Publishes, emails and posts all election notifications and other Council reports and polling results,
Posts and updates Council entries to the FNPS Calendar.
Heads the Administration subcommittee and ensures the Council Guidelines are reviewed and recommendations for revision are referred to the Council for approval.
Trains his/her successor.