Council Charter

Council Purpose

“The purpose of the Council (of Chapters) is to facilitate communication among the chapters and with the Board.  It serves as a conduit of information that supports and strengthens the FNPS Chapters in their pursuit of the FNPS mission, and identifies and elevates local and regional issues and shares solutions throughout the Society.”  Council Purpose, approved by the FNPS Board, February 8,2020 (download approved document).

Council Structure and Powers

The Council of Chapters (Council) was created in April 2014 by a vote of the general membership of the Florida Native Plant Society that reorganized the Society and adopted new Bylaws. Prior to the 2014 reorganization, one Chapter Representative from each Chapter statewide sat as a Director on the FNPS Board. Since reducing the size of the Board was a significant goal of reorganization, the Council of Chapters was created to represent the Chapters on the FNPS Board.

The Council of Chapters is like a Board Committee in its basic relationship to the FNPS Board. The Council works with and for the whole Society organization, under the same Bylaws and aligned with policies and initiatives established for the whole organization. However, its focus may be different from the Board’s, reflecting the interests of the Chapters. 

The powers of the Council of Chapters are specified by the FNPS Board. Every action taken by the Council must adhere to and support the bylaws and mission of the Florida Native Plant Society.

  • The Council shall have the powers that are reasonably necessary to achieve its goals, not otherwise restricted by the FNPS bylaws.
  • Powers outside the scope of the goals specified by the FNPS Board of Directors must be approved by the FNPS Board of Directors
  • To develop and implement project initiatives requiring Society funding, approval of the FNPS Board of Directors is required after the Council provides an estimated budget of project cost (including staff, contractor, and volunteer time), work plan, and a timeline for completion.

Council Goals

The goals of the Council of Chapters are:

  1. Support the FNPS mission: the preservation, conservation and restoration of the native plants and plant communities of Florida.
  2. Ensure that all Chapters are represented and have a voice.
  3. Provide Chapter input, including ideas and concerns, to the Society and FNPS Board.
  4. Disseminate news from the Society and FNPS Board so that Chapter members can stay apprised of key Society actions and Committee initiatives.
  5. Facilitate the sharing of news, ideas, knowledge, and successful strategies between and among Chapters.
  6. Assist Chapter Representatives to
  7. Produce or collect and maintain informative resources and practical tools (e.g., templates or guidelines on recruiting members, conducting plant sales, finding meeting speakers, engaging with local elected officials, submitting taxes, etc.) to help Chapters.
  8. Recognize Chapter success and work with FNPS staff to ensure that Chapters receive recognition for achievements and mission-related programs.
  9. Enable communications, collaborations and partnerships between regional groups of Chapters.
  10. Promote and advance initiatives to assist chapters in their mission to foster the growth and success of their Chapters and the Society.


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