Grants and Awards

Grant Programs


The Society budgets money each year for grant awards that encourage projects that further the mission of FNPS. Application information and criteria are available on the FNPS website.

Conservation Grants

The Conservation Grants are awards to support applied plant conservation projects. Recipients must be sponsored by an FNPS Chapter. This is an excellent way to reinforce local partnerships and increase chapter recognition. The number of grants per year awarded, up to $5,000, depends on the budget for the program and the quality of proposals in the pool of nominees. The Chair of the Conservation Committee is responsible for convening a review team, and assessing submissions. The Committee then makes recommendations on proposals to be funded to the Board of Directors. The grant applications are typically due in March, and the application can be found on the FNPS website .

Endowment/Science Grants

The Endowment Grants are made from the Society’s Endowment Fund and donations from Chapters and individuals to support funding of research on native plants or native plant communities. Awards are made annually at the FNPS Annual Conference, and recipients receive up to $1500 to support their projects. Presentation of a paper at the FNPS Annual Conference or contribution of an article to the Palmetto on the results of the research is required. Project proposals are reviewed by a team convened by the Chair of the Science committee, and projects are selected to recommend for funding based on scientific merit and relevance to the mission of FNPS. Recommendations are made to the Board of Directors, who must approve the recommendations. The grants applications are typically due in March, and the application can be found on the FNPS website .

Dan Austin Award for Ethnobotany

This award is limited to graduate or undergraduate students who are studying Florida ethnobotany – i.e., the study of the relationship between peoples or cultures with plants native to Florida or Florida ecosystems. These can be current uses or historic uses. Research must focus on Florida native plant species or plant communities and have a human/plant connection. Research can include mycology, taxonomy, botany, demographics of medicinal plants, medicinal chemistry, human effects on soils, economic importance, etc. The grants applications are typically due in March, and the application can be found on the FNPS website .

Award Programs

Landscape Awards

This program provides recognition for the propagation, preservation, and use of Florida native plants in different types of landscapes. The awards are competitive, and contestants submit an entry fee with an application that describes the landscaping plan and provides the corresponding plant list with before and after images. Entries are accepted for commercial, community and residential categories. There are also categories for restorations and butterfly gardens. The Landscape Award Committee examines images, documentation, and deploys local judges to visit qualifying contenders. Contestants are disqualified by presence of Type I invasive exotic plant species, as defined by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. Winners are recognized at the annual FNPS conference. There are no cash prizes accompanying these awards.

Palmetto Awards

At the FNPS annual conference, the Florida Native Plant Society bestows various awards to members and chapters for their contributions to our mission. The Palmetto awards were established in 1984 by Sherry Cummings, Palm Beach Chapter (then FNPS President), to further the mission of the Florida Native Plant Society by encouraging and acknowledging the contributions to conservation of natural areas and native plants, and educating to these objectives. Nominations for these awards are solicited during the November Board of Directors meeting.

The Green Palmetto Awards

The Society awards Green Palmetto awards for service, education, science to individual members and may an "outstanding chapter of the year".  FNPS Board members are not eligible for this award category. Contributions can be of regional or statewide significance. Any member can make Green Palmetto award nominations by contacting their chapter director or the FNPS president.  The FNPS Board votes to determine who, if anyone, will receive the awards.

The Silver Palmetto Award

The Silver Palmetto award is made by the FNPS President to  Board members who have been of the greatest assistance during the past year.

The Mentor Award

Created in 1995, the Mentor Award recognizes distinguished individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the science and practice of native plant conservation, preservation, and restoration. This award is the highest honor the Society can bestow and is reserved for lifelong or career-long contributions.  

Any member can make a Mentor Award nomination by contacting their chapter director or the FNPS president.  The FNPS Board votes to determine who, if anyone, will receive the award.


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